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Just Breathe SA

Find a more ​balanced ​approach ​to health

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching

providing accountability and Holistic ​support for clients with autoimmune ​illness

Our Coaching programs can help:

  • Explore areas where you feel attention is needed(knowledge of food and triggers to flare ups, ​physical activity, stress management, social life/relationships, environment, spirituality)and ​focus on your strengths to reach your health and wellness goals
  • Identify barriers/challenges to living your best life and setting an action plan
  • Assess your overall well-being and make recommendations to initiate health related ​modifications
  • Guide and provide support to learn how to holistically nourish yourself
  • Bridge the gap between you and your healthcare team and assist in implementing ​recommendations from your doctor
  • Refer you to your doctor or medical practitioner before making any major dietary changes, ​starting a new fitness routine and/or proper treatment of medical issues

Our Services

Coaching session
Male Coach Video Conferencing
Health coach office with vegetables and tape measure
Health Coaching Written on Sheet of Paper with Medical Documents on Grey Background

1 on 1 Health Coaching

Virtual or In ​person(only in San ​Antonio, Texas area)

Initial Consultation ​with Health History ​Session

Follow up Health ​Sessions

Progress Reviews

We provide 3 or 6 ​month Coaching.

******Promotional pricing until DECEMBER 2024

3 Month Program

  • Initial consultation with ​Health History
  • Bimonthly Virtual or In ​person meeting
  • 30-45 minutes/session
  • 6 sessions

Woman in White Monokini Swimming on Body of Water

6 Month Program

  • Initial consultation with ​Health History
  • Bimonthly Virtual or In ​person meeting
  • 45 minutes/session
  • 12 sessions
  • Facebook Support group
  • Just Breathe Journal
Church Aisle Photo

I was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness at 12. Several ​years and many autoimmune illnesses later, I was left feeling ​devastated, hopeless and full of questions.

Certain foods would cause increased pain and swelling. Any ​physical activity would cause me to stay in bed for days with ​extreme fatigue and weakness. Depression, difficulty ​concentrating and brain fog took away my ability to work as a ​nurse and socialize with friends and family. I had times when I ​could not drive, go to the store or even bathe. I felt so.. alone.

I knew there had to be so much more I could do to feel better while ​I was waiting to find the right medical treatment. I enrolled in an ​Integrative nutrition health program. I learned that my medical ​regimen was important, but I also needed to create life style changes.

Slowly I started to make changes to my diet, realizing the ​relationship of food as medicine. I allowed my body to tell me ​which foods were causing me to feel ill and eliminated those that ​triggered more fatigue and pain.

I noticed that cooking simple recipes with foods that my body ​could tolerate, gentle exercises that would increase my mobility, ​and finding a good support system contributed to my overall ​health improvement. With a focus on my mental, spiritual, ​emotional and physical aspects, a holistic view, I began to feel ​better and see changes every week.


Let me help coach and ​support you holistically ​as you reach your ​wellness goals.

Contact Us

Book Your Initial ​Consultation now. Only ​99$!

Click Here Button

For more info, Please contact me:


Email: Firstbreathesa1@gmail.com

Dawn Villanueva-Rascon, RN

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Just Breathe SA Health ​Coaching

My goal is to encourage and guide my clients to create a path ​towards better health and wellness through professional health ​coaching.

Just Breathe SA remains focused on clients with autoimmune ​illness by providing education and support to create healthy ​lifestyle changes.

Disclaimer: Health coaching is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical care of ​your medical professionals.